Thursday, December 31, 2020

happy new year 2021

 31.12.2020   3.54pm

We’re at the end of the year 2020

The year that we’ll remember for the rest of our lives

A very very strange year. The year COVID-19 rules the world.

I practically spent 10 months at home. Can’t go to the office, can’t go to the mall, can’t go to the  coffee shop, can’t go anywhere

And it’s very excruciating for me, not being able to do the one thing that I love the most: traveling


Anyway, during that 10 months, I learned more about myself

How introverted I am


How I hate office politics

How I despise the blur line between small talks and lies.. between “being nice” and lying

How it seems that hypocrisy is a normal thing and even encouraged

How I want to quit working but can’t coz I need the money :P


And how I’m dreading the day when I have to go back to the office and forced to do all the small talks face to face.. no place to hide. Haha.. (well, let’s not worry about that today).


Today, I can only hope

Hope that everything will be better in 2021

Hope I can start traveling again soon

And hope I can survive the never ending office politics with all the superficial people in it


Most of all, hope that I can enjoy and appreciate life more

Meaning, more traveling and more time spent with friends (true friends) & family

And worry less about my office life... coz it’s just not worth it


.. Welcoming the new year with hope

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