Sunday, May 1, 2016

taking it one day at a time

23 april 2016


it’s been exactly one month since ‘’it’’ first occurred
it really is a wake up call for me
I see it clearly now..
how he would (or would not?) react..
how she.. acts like the way she’s been acting this whole time.. since way back when...
how I had always ignore what’s happening to her
how I always run away.... refusing to search for any kind of knowledge..
not trying to figure things out..
not brave enough to face the problem..

now here I am
forced to face the (ugly?) truth
forced to try to solve it
the best way I can
no more excuses
no more running

it’s gonna be so damn hard
but I have to make it somehow


this year has been very hard for me
too hard
I fear what the next 8 months have in store for me
I fear that I’m not gonna be strong enough
I fear that something inside of me..
will explode.. one day..
and I fear that then, it will be too late...

I am


well isn’t it funny
how life takes its course


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