Thursday, April 16, 2015

random thoughts in mid-march


phase one...
whining to family and close friends
phase two...
more whining to family and close friends
phase three...
yearning for attention
feeling the need to prove something
phase four...
speaking up
making sure that people know when u don’t like a certain situation
hoping to get some respect
phase five...
mentally exhausted
realizing that there’s no point to all of the above
and realizing that there’s no need to prove anything to anyone
phase six...
trying to ignore
while aiming to become fake

and hoping to find inner peace...

it’s mid-april..
i found out that I’m still not able to hold back.. to not care.. to ignore..

it’s funny
it’s funny how difficult it is for me to be ignorant


I hate fake people
I really do
But sometimes I feel like I’m surrounded by fake people
People who won’t (or can’t) differentiate between being fake and being nice

I hate fake people
I really do
But sometimes the situation forces me to wear my fake face.. and to wear my best fake smile..

I hate fake people
I really do
I don’t wanna be one of them
I really don’t

But how to avoid it?


She has just decided
To be happy
And to not care

Knowing that she’ll never be the one
Knowing that she’ll never be prioritized
Knowing that she’ll never be given full respect
Knowing that she’ll just have to suck it up

She has just decided
That everything will be okay
As long as she can do the thing she loves the most
Anytime she needs to

Coz all that matters is..

For her to be happy

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