From 22 July 2007 until now..
Multiply has been a place for me to share my traveling experiences and to express my feelings : )
Looking back to the old posts, it’s like flipping the pages of an old diary
I see stories
Of making friends and losing friends
Of memorable trips to amazing places in Indonesia
Of making a wish
Of living a dream
I see stories that portray how I grew up
Through my trips..
Through the people and places that I’ve visited
Through the emotion and the heartache and the joy
The accomplishments and the failures
That will always make me smile..
Now the time has come for me to say goodbye
And build another diary
Goodbye Multiply
Thank you for having me for this past 5.5 years
: )
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viewed 1003 times : ) |
MP gaLaauuu...
jadi area ZOMBiE
masih idup ampe sekarang.
gw sempet nanya ke multiply nya. begini jawabannya: ''After December 1st, your site will still be available online for viewing. Note that you will no longer be able to create new postings, upload any social networking content (such as photos or blogs) or make any new comments on your existing entries for social networking. However, we will extend the availability of the download tools until the end of the year so you can back up your content at your leisure.''
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