Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Easily Bored

Feb 10, 2012.... 11.08 pm

Easily bored.. that’s me..
Especially if i don’t have anything to do on weekends
I usually do trips on weekends, just to get away from all those routine.. just to be happy.. just to give food for my soul.. weekly food for my soul..

But here, i can’t do that
This is a very boring city state
Did the singapore flyer
Went to see the song of the sea at sentosa
Meet with many kinds of deers at the night safari
But still.. cannot be excited..

So now i found other thing to make me happy


i always end up shopping here.. coz there’re soooo many shopping centres here.. sooooo many..
i shop
and i shop
from the obvious things like clothes and shoes and bags..
to the clearly unimportant ones like whistles and word cards and 6 different highlighters
and today, i just bought a passport holder..

how do i stop this?
Don’t know what to do
have to find less expensive activities
any ideas guys?


ritasan said...

ahauaja said: Hmmm very very expensive activity. Joint klub social masyarakat aja ta :y
*straight face

ahauaja said...

Hmmm very very expensive activity. Joint klub social masyarakat aja ta :y