Sunday, January 22, 2017

si semangat


it’s been a week..

mencari-cari si semangat tp ga nemu nemu.. hmm... kemanakah dia..

.. menarik napas panjang ..

this time around, I’ve decided to..
try to switch off my feelings
and just do what I have to do

because there’s no point being envious
because there’s no point questioning why
because there’s no point hoping to be appreciated
because there’s no point expecting a sincere ‘’thank you’’

because at the end of the day
nothing will change
everything will stay the same

so I might as well
take it easy
stop having false hope

just sit back
and try to enjoy the ride
wherever it may take me


easier said than done
but I have to do it
have to..


eh, sepertinya si semangat datang mengintip.. akankah dia menetap?


lalu aku nengok ke kiri belakang...
trus yg terlihat adalah dia yang sedang bobo..

.. menarik napas panjang ..

Yaaahh.. gimana mau semangat klo begini caranya..
*kembali bengong liatin layar komputer

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