Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Baduy 14-15 Nov 2009

14-15 Nov 2009
a trip to baduy dalam w/ outpack

Monday, November 16, 2009

> the people of baduy..

14-15 November 2009
Trip to Baduy Dalam with Outpack
This one is special for: Nia, Tiwi, Berti, Riky, Shinta, Diah, and Outpack Team

Friday night.. from kelapa gading to warung buncit.. with love
Caught in a very very bad traffic jam.. took me 4 hours from kelapa gading to warung buncit.. by a cab, an ojek and a kopaja..
made everyone waiting for me.. thank God tiwi was caught in a traffic jam too..
So sorry guyz... : )

Saturday.. start trekking to Baduy Dalam..
According to my oxford dictionary, trekking is making a long hard journey, esp on foot..
And that’s what we did that day.
The best moment for me is when we’re walking silently, with trees surrounding us, just listening to our own footsteps and the sound of the nature..
That’s the best moment to contemplate.. about your life..and what u want for your life.. that deep? .. naa.. i was just thinking about something simple.. like what words will I put on my MP as soon as I got home.. :P
And as I was contemplating and enjoying mother nature, suddenly I hear something... “Indonesia tanah airku...”... and then... “Ibu Kita Kartini.. putri sejati..”... then...” Maju tak gentar...” oh my God! Shintaaa... please deeeehh...

Well anyway, we walked for about 5 hours that day.. and spent the night at Baduy Dalam.. that night we witnessed mr kunto create his masterpiece, a one of a kind poem called “Betapa”...

And as for the Baduy Dalam people,
All I can say is that they showed us how simple life can be..

Sunday.. time to go home..
Walked 2,5 hours to Baduy Luar.. and another hour to Ciboleger..

8pm.. home sweet home..
“For all the blessings we have received this day, may God make us truly thankful.”

Thankyou.. thankyou for this journey.. for us to see the other side.. witness and feel something different yet so wonderful.. and have an amazing circle of friends to share it with : )

For other pictures of baduy, please click here